First United’s Presbyterian Women (PW) are active in many mission projects and fundraising for mission support. Throughout the year, they support Beth B in her college ministry with Cru.
They support CRISP a local non-profit which supports families and children. CRISP is located in our building.
The Christmas Child Shoe box mission project begins in October of each year. PW coordinates our local giving with Samaritan’s Purse with members of the church picking up boxes from the church, filling them, and returning them to be dedicated in November.
Each November members of the PW lead our annual PW Thank Offering Service. Our Thank Offering and Christmas Child Shoe boxes are dedicated during the service.
The PW Holiday Hop Bazaar was held in the church in November offers a variety of baked goods, crafts, and a gently used “Christmas Corner”. This is a major fundraiser for PW and allows them to fund their many mission projects
The PW is also the group who provides funeral luncheons for the families grieving the loss of loved ones.