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Visiting Us

We are glad you are planning to visit us. This page should answers some questions you may have.

When are Sunday church services?
The Sunday following Labor day until The Sunday before Memorial day, First United Presbyterian offers the following:

9:00 AM Sunday School for All Ages

10:15 AM Worship Service in the Sanctuary

11:15 AM Fellowship in the Fellowship Hall

During the Summer (The Sunday after Memorial day to the Sunday before Labor day) First United Presbyterian offers a 9:00 AM service on Sunday.

What should I expect during Sunday School
Sunday School is open to all who seek a deeper understanding of God and His call for our lives.  Adults gather in Fellowship hall and enjoy coffee and interactive study together.  The youth meet in several different rooms depending on their age.  Dedicated teachers lead each class through a variety of activities designed to lead them to a deeper understanding of God and to nurture their faith.

What should I expect during worship
Our worship follows a traditional Presbyterian liturgy but uses a blend of contemporary Christian music and traditional hymns accompanied on our beautiful pipe organ.  You will see people in a variety of fashions from jeans and T-shirts to more formal clothing.  Don’t forget to pick up a cup of coffee or hot chocolate in the narthex to enjoy during worship.   You can click here to see this week’s bulletin.

Where is the church?
First United Presbyterian Presbyterian Church is located at 210 W Green Street which is two blocks from Winterset’s courthouse square.  Go to our Contact page for an interactive map.

First United Presbyterian is located at the intersection of W Green Street and Second Avenue in Winterset. An easy way to get to First United Presbyterian is from John Wayne Drive or Summit Street.

If you are coming from the north on Highway 169, continue south from the intersection of Highway 169 and Highway 92.  When you reach the first stoplight at the intersection of John Wayne Drive and Green Street, turn left and proceed two blocks.

If you are coming from the east on Highway 92, turn left at the intersection of Highway 169 and Highway 92.  When you reach the first stoplight at the intersection of John Wayne Drive and Green Street, turn left and proceed two blocks.

If you are coming from the south on Highway 169, turn right at the intersection of Highway 169 and Highway 92.  You will proceed on Summit Street until you reach the intersection with Second Avenue.  Turn left at that intersection and proceed five blocks.

If you are coming from the west on Highway 92, continue east from the intersection of Highway 169 and Highway 92.   You will proceed on Summit Street until you reach the intersection with Second Avenue.  Turn left at that intersection and proceed five blocks.

Am I welcome to take communion?
All Christians are welcome to take communion with us at First United Presbyterian. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated during services on the second Sunday of each month except December when it is served on Christmas Eve and the month which contains Holy Week when it is served on Maundy Thursday.

Is there a nursery during worship?
We do not have a formal nursery but we are happy to have children of all ages in worship.

Is the church handicapped accessible?
There are two entrances to the church building which are handicap accessible.  All of the first floor of the building is handicap accessible including:  the sanctuary, the fellowship hall, the main office, the kitchen, classrooms, choir room, and restrooms.

First United Presbyterian is equipped with radio headphones designed for those with hearing loss.

How does I become a member of First United Presbyterian?

First United Presbyterian believes that membership is part of a person’s faith journey. Membership allows an individual to vote at congregational meetings and to hold office within the church.  One does not have to be a member to participate in any other aspects of church life nor to receive pastoral care.  New Members are accepted on a profession of faith and baptism, transfer from another church, or reaffirmation of the faith. Official recognition of new membership takes place during a regular worship service. For more information contact the church.